Saturday, October 28, 2017

Multiple Sightings of Wunnumin Lake Bigfoot Family

Wunnnumin Lake photograph amongst dissimilar stories attached.
Multiple Bigfoot induce got been witnessed close Wunnumin Lake. Wunnumin Lake is a remote Oji-Cree First Nation's community located 360 km northward of Sioux Lookout, Ontario, Canada.

In Wawatay News Online, a outset acre intelligence source. They study on multiple encounters past times dissimilar witnesses inward the area. The motion painting higher upwards is attached to the article amongst a caption.
This photo, captured past times a immature daughter spell on opor-garai inward Wunnumin Lake this past times August, has been circulating about the cyberspace as well as fueling speculation of a household unit of measurement of Bigfoots living close the community.
This is a dissimilar floor that circulated about the photograph in conclusion calendar month at Phantoms & Monsters:
I received this photograph from my colleague David Garrison [who received from a Jeff Cromarty] was forwarded to him past times a man child who captured the picture spell line-fishing at Wunnimin Lake inward Ontario, Canada.
The Phantoms & Monster reference seems to last a grapevine of, "he got it from this guy." The Wawatay News Online may last to a greater extent than accurate. Regardless this photograph is only from ane floor of Bigfoot inward the Wunnumin Lake are equally yous tin move read from the article reposted below.

Wunnumin Lake’s mysterious Bigfoot family
Thursday September 6, 2012

Through the years as well as through verbal stories passed on from ancestors inside the surface area known equally Wunnumin Lake, at that topographic point induce got been tales as well as legends of beings non solely human beingness sighted as well as beingness inward contact amongst local folk.

Over the past times few years at that topographic point induce got been sightings as well as testify of a mythical fauna known equally Bigfoot or Sasquatch.

Influenza A virus subtype H5N1 few years agone a grouping of 3 immature women were huckleberry picking inward a spot where it is non easily accessible for whatever machine to travel. Suddenly a large stone came crashing close where they were picking.

One of them was sitting a lilliputian ways away as well as they went to enquire her if that was her who did that.

She was perplexed as well as asked if they were playing games amongst her. They realized that “someone” threw a stone at them amongst no ane fifty-fifty unopen by, as well as ran from the surface area knowing it powerfulness last a Sasquatch.

Another sighting was close the gravel pit a few years agone when someone saw a glimpse of a tall, hairy fauna standing at the gravel pit but only for an minute equally they were driving by.

Another fourth dimension a sewage truck driver was making an early on eventide deposit out past times the drome (it was night already) when he spotted some huge individual or something coming towards him on the road.

The odor was getting worse, non from the sewage but from the creature. He made a u-turn as well as came back.

Influenza A virus subtype H5N1 few years agone a immature lady was jogging dorsum from the drome route when a truck drove past times as well as a slice of newspaper or wrapper flew off.

Influenza A virus subtype H5N1 behaviour was nearby as well as the behaviour went to inspect what flew off. She kept on running when all of a precipitous from out of the bushes a hairy looking human shape emerged as well as he was focused on the behaviour without seeing the jogger.

When the fauna looked upwards as well as saw the jogger he took off as well as went crashing amid the trees really fast.

The stench from the fauna was that of a moisture Canis familiaris smell. The jogger was shooken upwards but continued running hoping someone would crusade by. This was close the boat landing surface area on the E side as well as inward the middle of the afternoon.

During the summertime of 2011 a individual was getting build clean H2O from upwards the route amongst his boy when he heard some sort of shout out or grunt as well as it started to smell, a odor he described equally similar a moisture dog.

They left the surface area as well as did non advert anything nearly it for 2 days. When the intelligence came out, other people went at that topographic point to banking concern gibe as well as constitute testify of footprints as well as of a poplar tree debarked high on the tree.

Pictures were taken of 2 sets of footprints about the tree. One was size xv as well as the other size 20.

Each footstep was measured at unopen to v feet apart as well as left as well as correct footprints were visible inward the mossy area.

So far this is the strongest testify of a possible Bigfoot inward the area. The poplar tree was done amongst precision, equally if a human had done it himself, but it was debarked at to the lowest degree 10 feet from the ground.

This summer, inward August of 2012, a lilliputian daughter as well as her friends were simply coming out from the beach as well as were walking inward a lilliputian clearing.

She was lagging behind when she spotted something or someone standing there. She hid as well as had plenty presence to accept a snapshot amongst her ipod of the lilliputian hairy fauna earlier that affair walked off into the underbrush.

It was 2 days earlier she finally told her woman nurture of what she saw as well as of the motion painting she took. Since therefore that motion painting has been circulating about the internet.

Although non really clear, the motion painting is authentic. People induce got been inspecting the lilliputian footprints as well as measurement eleven inches inward length. Some tell they are the footprints of a babe Sasquatch.

There is a huge loma due south of the community, at to the lowest degree thirty kms away.

Most if non all of the sightings induce got been to the due south of Wunnumin Lake.

They tell at that topographic point is a cave at that topographic point non easily accessible, situated on a rocky, steep incline on the northward side of the hill.

No ane has always been unopen plenty to inspect the cave.

It is best to piece of job out them solitary as well as non bother them equally they for certain induce got never harmed no one.

I gauge beingness provoked is the only means that they would attack. Although at times they induce got been known to harm some property.

I believe they are equally much afraid of humans equally nosotros are of them.

Whoever or whatever they are, nosotros cannot discount them equally a figment of our imagination. Too many sightings from all types of people cannot last dismissed equally hallucination. They are here, they alive amid us.

Just induce got your photographic television set camera ready.



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